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Banner Health - Tucson, Arizona 

"Healing Space" Rebrand Launch 


Our resident Editor-in-Chief Peggy Northrop worked closely with Redbird Group to design and execute a print magazine as a cornerstone for the commemoration of the new Banner Health building opening at the University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona. Peggy and Redbird developed and led the execution of the editorial concept, design, writing, editing and photography. 

The goal of the project - beyond opening a new, pristine healthcare facility with cutting-edge technology and equipment - was to celebrate the people who provide groundbreaking care to the community of Tucson by highlighting the faculty, staff and patients who are the heart and soul of the entire system. 

With a tight timeline but boundless passion, Peggy and Redbird partnered with the Banner Tucson marketing team to rapidly create a print magazine and produce an anthem video for the hospital's official opening. The team wrote powerful stories about doctors, volunteers and patients and captured the spirit of Tucson through scenes inside and outside the hospital. 

On the night of the hospital grand opening, hundreds of people gathered to tour the new building and celebrate its impact on the Tucson community. Each person received a copy of "Healing Space" magazine, and a wall-to-wall crowd welled with pride (and at times, tears) as the video played to celebrate all the work and love that led up that opening night. 

Great Stories Move You. 

Every Media Company logo - on white, Tah

Every Company Is A Media Company

A powerful love letter to Tucson: 


In an age when "every company is a media company,"

we're here to advise and help every media company.  

Every Media Company offers editorial consulting services, including: strategic communications counsel, magazine storytelling and design services, blog and social media content, ghost-written bylines and editorial placements, video and podcast production, script writing, copywriting and company newsroom design

The concept of "every company is a media company" 

was first coined by Tom Foremski in April 2010.  

To read more about EC = MC, visit Silicon Valley Watcher: 

Every Media Company is a division of Divino Group

Contact Chris Knight:, 415-786-9226 c

© February 2019 Divino Group LLC  

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